Travel News – World Travel Restrictions

Travel News – World Travel Restrictions

Many of us have probably never even heard of travel news. But for those of us that have, it is a goldmine of information for those interested in the various ways the world’s nations interact with one another. One can learn about new diplomatic tensions between the United States and Iran, the recent eruption in the South China Sea, and even how a country that no one seems to like is slowly taking control of the Middle East. In a world full of sudden, often unexplained turnarounds, travel news is often one of the most reliable ways to get the full scoop on events in the world.

For example, back in July the Chinese government implemented what is known as its first ever travel restriction. It ordered all flights to the city of Kaikoura from and to Hong Kong must return to Beijing within seven days, and all air travel from and to all other Chinese cities within the same period. This was in response to an outbreak of bird flu which was believed to have originated in China and was killing tens of thousands of birds. In addition to the restrictions themselves, the move also severely restricted the number of people that could fly, something that has since been rectified. The outbreaks of bird flu and swine flu had put China’s travel security at serious risk, so it is good that the measures that were implemented are being taken to keep travelers safe.

In August, travel news reported that a new measles outbreak had begun in Guinea. This news came just a few weeks after the deadly epidemic began in Nigeria. When this outbreak first broke, there was no reason to worry because no one was sure if it was going to hit in Africa or Asia. Then, in September, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a report that contained some alarming details. The report said that the disease had reached epidemic proportions in Guinea and was spreading rapidly throughout the globe. It is now believed that the full virus may have been contracted by travelers traveling from West Africa into the affected regions of Guinea-Bissau.

This brought a ban on flights from West Africa to Cotonou, as well as the Gambia, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The entire west African region was shut down. The travel restrictions caused a huge rush in businesses and travel throughout the region, with many airlines changing their schedules to avoid experiencing the full brunt of the travel ban. Many airlines offered flight refunds to travelers who cancelled plans due to the new travel restrictions. Although the reasons for the order were not explained in the travel news article, many experts believe that the order was implemented due to concerns about the possible emergence of bird flu.

Travelers faced even more difficulties when they tried to fly to the delta variant of Morocco. The travel restriction ordered by the French government ordered all passengers travelling between France and Morocco to check in for confirmation that they had received a saudi arabia vaccination. The Saudejarane vaccination is considered highly effective in preventing the deadly disease, although it cannot be used in the area covered by the travel news report.

No matter how the travel news event transpired, no one seemed to take the new health restrictions too seriously. People travelling to Morocco are still able to enjoy the traditional, medicated camel safaris and, at the same time, enjoy the same range of amenities offered by the modern cities. For tourists, Morocco is still a great place to visit, with plenty to do and see. You can start your trip by visiting Fes and continue with visits to Marrakech, Tangier, Casablanca, Meknes, Oceans, Casablanca again, Taghazout and Tangier. Be sure to try out the caviar!